About Us: Tiger Lash Club

The Tiger Lash Salon was created by NA, however after much success from generating clientele at ease for services such as Microblading and Lash extensions, a club for helping other salons was then created. 

The Tiger Lash Club is an exclusive club for salons that wish to gain more clientele thru Teddy's clientele generation methods. Clients have been generated from all over the world via his methods including: Auckland, Melbourne, New York, Orlando, Miami, California and more. 

Due to the concrete methods used, clients have always been able to be generated in less then 24 hours regardless of geographic location. 

NAs marketing methods have been so successful that it justified opening his own salon in NA. This is only to show that the clients brought in are REAL and returning customers. Having to provide great customer service has led to clients loving the Tiger Lash salon and receiving great word of mouth referral. 

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